Succeed in School and Beyond

Our Tutors are Learning Coaches,

Helping With ALL Subjects

Personally Selected Highly-Qualified Tutors

Customized Lesson Plans from Expert Educators

Individualized Strategies in Learning and Life Skills

What Our Clients are Saying About Us

Our tutor has done a great job tutoring our daughter. She has a fantastic grasp of the subject matter but ,perhaps more importantly, she creates the right learning environment. In the words of our daughter: ‘[Our tutor] has a gift.’
Found WorldWise Tutoring to help our son with his organizational skills, but got so much more. Our son had an instant connection with his tutor, and he really enjoys his time with her. She is our secret weapon for the SAT and college applications…shhhh, don’t tell anyone!
I highly recommend WorldWise Tutoring. Our tutor worked with my son and he had terrific results on his college ACT exam. They are easy-going and a pleasure to work with!
Our tutor worked with both of my children through high school. She is adept in multiple subjects including math, science and ACT test prep. She relates really well to both male and female students. She is friendly, highly responsive and accommodating. She was always very professional. I highly recommend her.
Ten stars would not be an over-statement. My daughter has struggled with math all through school. She finally was able to comprehend and apply math theories due to [her tutor’s] ability to make concepts clear and teach my daughter how to apply them to real world problems. He is truly a gift to the students he tutors; through patience and understanding he consistently helps them achieve success. He is a born teacher.
Working with WorldWise Tutoring was a big part of our daughter’s success during her Junior and Senior years at a very rigorous high school. [Her tutor’s] breadth of knowledge in many areas of study as well as the efficient and clear way she communicated and explained information, helped our daughter in all subjects. She was also instrumental in preparing our daughter for taking the ACT. She provided plenty of practice as well as test taking strategies and our daughter exceeded her own expectations with her ACT score!
WorldWise Tutoring has exceptional tutors. [Our tutor] is very personable, and quickly put my shy teenaged daughter at ease. He is able to strike that difficult balance between being accessible and friendly, while at the same time encouraging his student to push and challenge herself. We had some difficulty with one of my daughter’s teachers, and [our tutor] was persistent and creative in his attempts to solve the problem. He is superb at what she does, and I happily give him my highest recommendation.
We hired WorldWise Tutoring in hopes that their services would help me gain a better understanding of what I was learning and aid in reaching my full academic potential. With [my tutor’s] help, by the end of the second semester of Junior year, I had raised my grade from a D+ to a B. We continued working with her through the duration of my Senior year of high school. [My tutor] has the ability to break down and teach difficult topics in a clear, concise, and digestible manner that is consistent with your style of learning. Her incredible patience, friendliness, and punctuality are part of what help make her such a phenomenal tutor, and made working with her all the more enjoyable.
We started with WorldWise to help our daughter prepare for the HSPT. Not only did she get into her first choice school, but she was better prepared for high school in the process. We could not have done this without [our tutor]. It’s so nice to see my daughter so relaxed and confident about school now.
[My tutor’s] dedication went above and beyond that of any tutors that I had worked with in the past and has a passion for teaching that is evident in her work. She was a pleasure to work with, and I would recommend WorldWise Tutoring without hesitation to anyone looking for tutorial services.

Our Services

WorldWise Tutoring is a full-service tutoring company that offers in-person services in Chicago, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio, as well as the surrounding suburbs.

WorldWise Tutoring also offers remote services anywhere in the world.

Whatever your needs, our experienced mentors can personalize your lessons to help guide you on the path to success!

WorldWiseTutoring Online Lessons

Online Lessons


WorldWise Tutoring In-Person Lessons

In-Person Tutoring

Illinois & Texas Only

WorldWise Tutoring Group Lessons

Group Classes



Thinking about one’s thinking involves assessing variables in personal knowledge, the task at hand, and strategies for completion. It includes the processes to plan, monitor, and assess one’s understanding and performance.

Executive Functions

The skills to manage daily life involves working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control. These include the processes to focus, follow directions, and handle emotions.

Interpersonal Skills

Personal attributes needed for success in school/job involves the non-technical skills that relate to how one works. These include the processes to interact with peers, solve problems, and manage work.

The skills range from internal self-awareness to external community action. The goal is to help student become confident and independent lifelong learners so that they can grow into competent and conscious leaders.

How It Works

  • Start a conversation. Send us a message about the student’s needs and goals.
    We’ll reach out to you shortly with a plan and pricing.
    We’ll hand-pick 2-3 instructors that best matches your needs and let you make the final choice.
  • If you’re interested in in-person tutoring, check our service areas.
  • We’ll hand-pick the tutor that best matches your needs
  • We also teach them personalized learning and life skills and executive functions that can be applied across all curriculum.