When you envision your education, what do you picture? It is likely that you visualize a physical classroom with students sitting at desks listening to a teacher. However, a good education includes more than what takes place in a classroom. With the new school year just around the corner, here are some suggestions for students to maximize their education.
Supplemental Learning
Learning from a teacher in a classroom setting may not be enough for students to master the content. A great way to supplement classroom learning is to get a tutor for one-on-one sessions. WorldWise Tutoring can help students in every subject, teaching personalized strategies to help improve comprehension of past and future concepts. Keep in mind that tutors are not just for students struggling with a course. Rather, tutoring can be a great way for a student to get extra practice, reinforce previous knowledge, and even get ahead on upcoming material. To find out more about WorldWise Tutoring’s tutoring services, click here.
Teacher Engagement
Fostering a healthy relationship with teachers is another great way to make the most out of one’s education. Educators are a critical part of education and are an excellent resource for students in and out of the classroom. Engaging with teachers through open communication about concerns – both educationally or personally – allows for teachers to assist students more effectively. Educators can best help their students succeed when they know their needs, goals, and concerns. Students should ask professors if they host office hours to meet individually. Fostering strong teacher-student relationships can overall positively affect the student. When the teacher knows a student’s needs, learning style, and personality, students are more likely to have greater academic achievement and social support. An article by the American Psychological Association explores the importance of students’ relationships with teachers. The article explains that positive teacher-student relationships were associated with students being more engaged in their learning as well as contributing to an overall effective adjustment to school and social settings.
Student Organizations
One way for students to engage in their learning community is to join school clubs. Particularly in middle school and high school, there are a variety of organizations students can join. These organizations can help students come out of their shell, and try something new. Some of the common programs are study body, school newspaper, drama programme in international schools, literary clubs and the list goes on. Look around the school for flyers about groups in the school and the community. Furthermore, many schools host club fairs at the beginning of the school year as a way for students to learn about and join the clubs the school has to offer. Students can also ask their teachers and peers if they know of groups they can join.
Regardless of how the club is accessed, participation is an excellent way for students to find new interests and hobbies, and gain some real-world experience. Additionally, being a part of organizations helps students to learn leadership skills as well as general social skills through interacting with a group of like-minded peers. These skills are valuable throughout life. Furthermore, being a part of a smaller group within the larger school can cultivate a sense of belonging for students, helping them feel less lost and instead creating a sense of meaning and purpose. Students ought to seek out opportunities with clubs to cultivate a personalized community and thereby maximize their educational experience.
Classroom Behaviors
As we know, a significant amount of learning does take place in a physical classroom. The classroom is a fantastic place to learn from a teacher as well as to collaborate with peers. However, there are certain behaviors that students can engage in to maximize their learning in the classroom. For example, students can find a seat in an area of the classroom that allows them to focus best and have minimal distractions. If something or someone is distracting, it is important for students to take initiative and relocate. Students should also speak with their teachers if a new seating arrangement is needed.
Participating in class discussion is another great way for students to engage with the teacher and other peers, while also confirming what they have learned. Sharing in class discussions allows the student speaking as well as the students listening to consider multiple perspectives, thereby improving their understanding of the topic. For shy students, setting participation goals that start small and can be adjusted over time helps. For example, students can set a goal to speak up at least once in each class each week, and eventually, they can adjust this goal to speak up more.
Keeping binders and backpacks organized will also help maximize learning. Students should be prepared for class with all their needed materials organized. Their homework, books, paper, pencils, and any other required materials should be easy for them to find and access. Getting organized before class allows students to focus more on teacher instruction and less on looking for their materials.
Study with Peers
Peers are a crucial part of a classroom environment. Starting at an early age, interaction with other students is one of the main forms of socialization for children. Students learn a lot from their peers, including social skills, problem-solving strategies, and emotionally intelligent behaviors like sharing and communicating. In higher grade levels, quizzes and tests are likely a larger part of the curriculum in most schools. An excellent way to prepare for these examinations is to study with peers, which can reinforce learning in a collaborative way while also building vital social skills. These study groups also serve as a fun motivator for those who need it. Kids Health shares several strategies for studying for tests and establishing healthy habits. One suggestion is for students to prepare for tests early, far before the test date. Studying far in advance allows for proper planning and less stress. Being organized with materials needed for studying helps to minimize procrastination. For more study tips, check out this article.
In summary, there are many simple ways for students to maximize their education. It is important for students to consider adapting these behaviors and strategies to make the most out of their education and to increase their levels of success beyond the classroom. Education is an invaluable gift that should be utilized to its fullest.