A new job search can be tricky if you don’t know how to start or where to look. You could send thousands of applications with only one or two even reviewed. The application process can get even more complicated because you can be judged on your appearance and behavior and there are often various requirements, like assessments and recommendation forms. This can all be quite nerve-wracking. However, with these tips, you will be more prepared for these obstacles.

job search

1st – Review Your Social Media

Before you start your job search, double-check your social media for any questionable content or comments. It is common for employers to look through applicants’ social media accounts to assess if they are a risk to the company. So review your profile and address anything that might indicate you are immature, unprofessional, or biased. For example, remove excessive postings, rants, and confidential information about your current employer. If you need help or a different perspective of what is appropriate for your social media, ask a friend or family member you admire for their input.

2nd – Network

Getting to know as many people as possible in your preferred field of work can benefit you in the future. You can participate in informal networking with your friends, family, or anyone personally connected to you. Or you can step outside of your comfort zone and take part in formal networking opportunities with people in your desired field. Look for job fairs and other networking events on Handshake or Eventbrite.com. According to Ischool.sjsu.edu, networking has many benefits, such as getting inside information about the field you’re interested in and gaining contacts for follow-up interviews or possible employment.

job search

3rd – Search for Jobs

In addition to networking, knowing which sites to use for your job search is essential. For example, indeed.com allows you to look for jobs based on job title, keyword, company, and location. You can also look at the company review section to see how well their reputation holds up, how high they are rated, and what the testimonials say about them. Research the working conditions of a company and see if it is acceptable to work there. Additionally, you can search by salary to see what kind of pay industries offer.

Another tool you can use to help in your job search is LinkedIn, which is commonly used by employers and job seekers alike. It is an excellent site to explore the job market and can help put you on employers’ radar if your profile is well structured. Improve your page by having a professional profile picture, engaging headline, and summary with proper keywords, accomplishments, certifications, skills, and no grammatical errors.

4th – Review the Requirements

Another essential step in the job search is knowing the application requirements. Read the criteria several times to ensure you complete them all correctly. Pay close attention to instructions for response format, assessments to complete, documents to send, and the like. Employers quickly filter out applicants who do not read the requirements, which may indicate a lack of attention to detail and follow-through.

A common request with job applications is a cover letter. Tailor your cover letter to suit the specific job you are applying for. You can do this by checking the job description and considering what kind of employees they seek. Be succinct but simultaneously strive to impact the employer with relevant information. Finally, ensure your document is free from errors by carefully reviewing it, asking others to review it, and using a checker like Grammarly. Doing so demonstrates your professionalism and competence with essential communication.

job search

5th – Prepare for Interviews

Informational Interviews

When you complete your application and cover letter, the next step is to prepare for job interviews. One way you can do this is by setting up informational interviews where you meet with someone working for the organization to learn more about the company and gain specific information. With these types of interviews, you are not asking for a job; you are seeking knowledge and first-hand experience from a professional at the organization to which you are applying. Before the informational interview, prepare a clear objective of what you want to know with relevant questions to ask. If possible, face-to-face interviews at the job location are ideal for gaining exposure to the work environment and culture. Remember to make an excellent first impression by dressing appropriately and being on time.

Practice Interview Questions

Then, once the official job interview is scheduled, start practicing interview questions. Careeronestop.org can help you practice answering various questions and refine your responses. During the interview, dol.gov recommends that you summarize your experience in 30 seconds and state why you are interested in the position. Additionally, listen carefully to the employer’s questions and be direct with your answers while incorporating your achievements or past experiences if they are relevant. Sharing related details about your background can be an excellent way to show the employer how skilled and knowledgeable you are.

Remember to be positive and refrain from speaking negatively about past employers. Pay attention to your body language and tone of voice to show your employer that you are giving them your full attention. And finally, have some final questions about the position and organization ready and show that you are very interested in the job. Once the interview is complete, wait patiently for a reply; if the employer does not contact you within the established time frame, you can contact them to check in.


Job seeking can be complicated, but your search will be much easier if you know where to look and are adequately prepared. Remember to check your social media for any compromising content. Do some networking with people in your social circle and join networking events to form business connections. Follow the application instructions carefully. Lastly, prepare for interviews with answers and questions. If you need someone to help you with your search, applications, or interview preparation, contact World Wise Tutoring! Our expert coaches can help with all stages of your job search process.

Written by Xavien Timoll