One of the most crucial aspects of any education is knowing how your students are progressing. With so many different subjects and assignments, it can be hard to keep track of everything. This article shares different ways you can keep better track of how your kids are doing in school.
1. Get Timely Feedback from Teachers
One of the ways that you can keep better track of how your children are doing in school is by using a mobile application so that it will be easy for you to communicate with teachers and see how your kids are doing in class. One such app which has recently become available on both Android and iOS platforms is Klassly. One good thing about using this teacher app is that it allows parents who don’t have much time during their busy days but still need information about what’s going on at school, to monitor their children’s academics daily.
Parents receive feedback about their children each week via an SMS message sent directly from the teacher. Parents can also watch video summaries uploaded daily by the teachers right onto the Klassly platform. The best thing about these videos is that they are brief and to the point, allowing parents to learn more about their child’s progress.
2. Make a Routine for Homework
Although your kid should do their own homework, you can still help make sure it is being completed. By monitoring homework completion, you can help your child improve in school. To make sure that the assignments get done every day, try making a routine of it. Assign a fixed time when your child should start working on independent assignments and then a specific time block when you can provide assistance if needed. Also, having a designated workspace goes a long way in ensuring that homework is completed. The workspace should have all needed materials organized and right at your child’s fingertips to minimize potential distractions.
You can include shelves with blank, lined, and graph paper; cups with pencils, pens, styluses, and highlighters; a bin with chargers for the tablet or laptop; and a filing bin for papers that do not need to remain in the binders but should also not be thrown away until the end of the year. You can also provide healthy snacks and drinks so that your child doesn’t lose focus or become overly fatigued while doing homework. For instance, apples and plums contain quercetin which is an antioxidant that helps with lowering mental decline, and Greek yogurt is high in protein for lasting energy. Also consider hiring a professional tutor to help your child monitor, complete, and submit their homework assignments.
3. Use a Planner
If you’re looking to improve your kid’s performance in school, it’s important first to have a plan. Have an outline of what you want your child to accomplish for the year, and then set achievable goals within those parameters. You can review their progress together at the end of each week or month, making sure to celebrate the small achievements along the way. A planner can also come in handy when it comes to tracking your children’s assignments, homework, and tests.
This means that you’ll hardly miss a thing! A family planner can help you better manage everyone’s time, which is helpful if both parents work full-time jobs and juggle family life on top of it all. For example, the calendar can have info about how one parent will pick up the kids from school while another helps with after-school activities like sports or music lessons. The family planner can be on a whiteboard in the kitchen or an online app like google calendar.
4. Ask your Kids About Their Day
Despite your busy schedule, you should always try to ask your kids about their day at school. Not only will this help you get a better idea of what’s happening in their life and how they handle the workload, but it also helps them open up and see that you care about their success. Also, you get a picture of what’s going on in their lives, which can help you come up with solutions if they are having problems.
Some co-curricular in international secondary schools help the children to be active and also handle the study pressure better. You can ask them about the new things they learned at school, what their teacher showed them, and what they are excited to learn next. As the parent, remember to listen first and then give them your input and discuss their options.
In Conclusion…
Monitoring your children’s academic progress can be difficult. There are so many things going on in their lives and it can be hard to track how they are doing in school. Thankfully, with the right tools, it can be much simpler. These tools mentioned here can connect parents with teachers and help keep everyone on track.