Tips for Preparing Your Kids for School After COVID-19
It’s no secret that the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted education. While you might not know when your kids will go back to school, there are several steps you can take to prepare them for the eventual return. Helping your kids keep up with their learning at home will ensure they have the knowledge and skills they need to move forward with their education when schools reopen. But that’s not all! You also have to consider how you’re going to navigate COVID-19 concerns while helping your kids adjust to yet another major change. Here are some tips to help you out.
Learning at Home
If your kids aren’t able to return to school yet, continue the learning at home. Your kids can benefit from all kinds of online tools to keep their education on track while schools are closed.
- Create a daily schedule so you can more easily balance homeschooling, household chores, mealtimes, and your professional work.
- Set up a learning environment in your home where your kids can focus on schoolwork. Make sure this special school space is far away from the TV.
- Don’t underestimate your ability to shape your child; as Zenbusiness explains, parents can be superstar influencers!
Keeping Your Home Clean
When your kids return to school, you will have to be extra vigilant about keeping everything clean. After all, you don’t want your kids to bring COVID-19 into your home.
- Wipe down high-touch surfaces in your home with an EPA-recommended disinfectant.
- For home cleaning tasks that don’t require sanitization, make your own natural cleaners from baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice.
Settling Back-to-School Nerves
Going back to school after the coronavirus shutdown will feel a lot different than the typical end of summer break. Help your kids adjust during this period of unease and uncertainty.
- Make sure your kids are prepared with all the supplies they need for a smooth transition back to classroom life.
- Set your kids up on virtual playdates to help them reconnect with friends and meet new people in their class before the first day back to school.
- Encourage your kids to talk to you about their back-to-school anxiety. You can reassure them that other students are likely feeling the same way!
Self-Care for Parents
After all the work you’ve put in keeping your kids active, entertained, and educated during the lockdown, you need to practice self-care more than ever. Keep your mental and physical health in top shape so you’re ready for the new school year too!
- Make sleep a priority. If pandemic-related concerns are keeping you or your kids awake at night, this is a great time to adopt a relaxing bedtime routine.
- Get out of the house for some fresh air whenever possible. There are plenty of fun and safe things that your family can do outdoors during the pandemic.
- Try to carve out a little “me” time every day. Even if you can only get five minutes, take a moment to do some deep breathing exercises to keep your mental health in check.
- You can’t do it all, and you shouldn’t have to; connect with WorldWise Tutoring for help with lessons that stretch beyond your time or knowledge.
Adjusting to life at home during the COVID-19 lockdown was not an easy transition for most families. By now, you and your kids have likely settled into a routine that works best for you. But change is coming once again! Help your kids cope with the upcoming return to school so they can get their learning back on track as soon as possible.